weekend. yes.

Friday came this week too. Whoop! Started the day with a double cappuccino at Starbucks on my way to work. I've realised I'm gonna be ruined if I buy coffee there every morning so decided that only Fridays are ok. And maybe Mondays, you need some cheering up on Mondays... Anyway, I got a third shot (of espresso) for free or he was gonna throw it away. Win! And when I got to work Marieke had brought home made maple pumpkin pie for everyone, double win! It's like a tradition here that every time you're going for vacation you bring candy/chocolate/etc from your country for everyone, dangerous.

Gah, I'm so hyper, listening to music and sit-dancing in my chair. Soon: after work at Ocean Bar, how ok is it to dance on the table on after work your second week at a new job? I won't, but sure feel like it. Hope it lasts until tonight! 

And just remembered Monday is a bank holiday, hello long weekend!

ginger's gone, soul is back

I decided to color my hair as my gingerness was disappearing and if I'm gonna be Pippi on Halloween I might as well do it before the weekend. I  always color my hair at home without problems but this time it turned out brown! Now my whole Pippi idea is ruined, who's ever seen a brunette Pippi? Sad panda. After throwing in a whole bottle of something orange looking I found in the bathroom, it now has a bit of a red shimmer and the color itself is actually not that bad, but I'm still upset about my no longer existing Halloween costume.

My web cam sucks, but as you can see, I got my soul back.


I'm with broadband. After fooling around with Manning's free wi-fi for a couple of months I've grown tired of it's unreliability and have instead started a relationship with UPC (well, I hope they still want me after a few angry emails saying they should stop calling me and email instead, but how hard can it be?). Another reason is that I've seen all episodes of Glee I have on my computer and people with real Internet refuse to download it for me. And, one day soon (read: 2 years) when I have saved enough money to buy myself my Mac I need some proper broadband. Free wi-fi is just not good enough for a Mac. Balance. 

Be mine.

After the 38 minutes that's left at work I'm going to the hairdresser to cut my fringe and get my vision back, why can't the rest of my hair grow as fast as my fringe? Then Ruth and I and maybe Olle (Malta-Olle) that is here for a visit are going to look for Halloween costumes. Our Power Puff idea lasted about a day though, now I'm more into something scary. Maybe a scary Pippi Longstocking? I want blood!


macklemore and girls night out

Was in a really bad mood on Friday and didn't wanna go out at all, but couldn't miss Macklemore (and Ryan Lewis) of course so got ready and met up with Josef and Olle and headed to Twisted Pepper. The gig was awesome and nice to see him in such a small venue, more of that!

On Saturday I went with Oskar and Marcus to look at an apartment but the area looked a bit too dodgy for them so never went in. Met up with Tea and Ruth at the Market Bar instead where we started our girls night with some wine. The whole plan with our girls night from the beginning was that we wanted to dress up and go to a really nice place for dinner and drinks. We ended up in Teas, eating pizza over the  sink and having Captain Coke in her tiny room that we turned in to a (barely) walk-in closet for the night.

Stole french Lucille from Teas roomie Mark and met up with Isabelle, Julia and Helene on O'Connell for the Scandinavian party. It was (surprise, surprise) boring so headed to Cafe En Seine instead, much better! When they closed I forced a cab driver to take me to Tripod, five minutes walk up the road, because my feet were hurting, and met up with Shane for some classic drunk food. When we left the chippers  a guy that looked exactly like Zach Galifinakis (the bearded guy from the Hangover) said 'Awesome shoes!' Totally worth the pain then, I think it was the real Zach.

Next weekend - Le Halloween!

rain and sushi

For some reason, after three years in Dublin, I still haven't learned the weather changes about ten times a day. So when it wasn't raining yesterday morning I didn't bring my umbrella to work, and also decided to wear skirt and flats. Bad, bad idea. Apparently one month's rain fell last night, something I got to experience when trying to get to the city from work without getting completely soaked. Didn't work.

At least it wasn't this bad where I was:

After looking for Halloween outfit at Penneys (didn't find any Powerpuff dresses but  had to buy new tights as my feet were like ice cubes and kinda swimming around in my shoes) we ran to Butlers for a coffee, waiting for Tea. When they kicked us out we ran over to Yamamori for some Monday sushi, and had an awesome, funny night with Tea and Ruth, haven't laughed that much in a while! More Monday plans from now on I say, maybe tapas next week?

When the food came three blog nerds quickly pulled out their phones to take pictures. As I don't have a flashy iPhone and my computer refuses to cooperate with my phone, so I stole some pics from Tea and Ruth as usual.

'Smells like China', Ruth said when she got her tea.

holiday season

So, we started Christmas a bit early this year. As I said, we agreed on getting into Christmas mood after Halloween but when Ruth invited me over for glögg (mulled wine, but this was without the wine...) and gingerbread cookies (we ended up eating her unfinished gingerbread house) I just couldn't say no. I haven't been home for three years, and haven't had the urge to celebrate Christmas but now I can't wait for decorating my apartment, listen to Christmas music and make Christmas candy.

Pictures stolen from the Ruthless blog. Hehe.

Since I had a small dose of Christmas last week, maybe I can wait until after Halloween now and we finally came up with the perfect Halloween costume - the Powerpuff Girls! Obviously, I'm the pink one, Ruth will be blue and Tea green.


(Sorry for stealing your pic (again) Ruth, but it's just the best.)

Tonight - sushi!

let's start again

New week, new job. Have been here for almost three days now and it feels great! Everyone's so nice and it's fun to work with Monique again. The only problem I have is the dress code, I have no idea how to dress business appropriate. Raided H&M yesterday for some new clothes but now I feel too dressed up in my professional black skirt. Whatever, it's not rocket science, how hard can it be?

The weekend was a bit lonely but not in a bad way. Enjoyed a quiet Friday night at home, fell asleep early and slept for nearly 12 hours. Whoops. Finished painting my furniture on Saturday and went for a coffee with Delba. In the evening Johan and I did Temple Bar after being ditched by Dave who is a responsible person nowadays. On Sunday Ruth was back in town and we enjoyed the sunny but cold weather with a coffee in St. Stephen's Green.

Yesterday Ruth and I started Christmas, although we promised ourselves not before Halloween. More about that later, have very imporant work stuff to attend to now.

And my little brother is moving here today! He's already at some pub, getting drunk. Kids.

ikea sunday

Completely forgot to post this...

On Sunday we finally made it to IKEA, it's important to get at least a yearly dose of lingonberries, daim cake, meatballs, cinnamon buns, Billy the bookshelf and other important Swedish stuff. Don't know if IKEA is made for a Sunday trip though, the place was more crowded than Dicey's on a Tuesday night. I was especially happy when I had to go back several departments with two heavy, unwieldy bags, just to get my pillows. For a while I thought I was gonna be stuck between bath towels, toilet brushes and screaming kids until closing.

Crowded restaurant.

Happy Ruth with meatballs and daim cake.

Ruth and Josef discussing shower curtains.

I came home with a bunch of very white/natural stuff, except for my new cutting boards that is. Wanted chocolate and some more things from the food store but they stopped selling Marabou (!) and didn't accept cards so only bought crispbread and crisps in protest. And because I didn't have more cash on me. They were also out of meatballs to Josef's great disappointment, shame on you IKEA food!

Was supposed to finish painting my furniture when I got home but was too lazy, just cleaned and put up all my new stuff, made guacamole with my new mixer and crawled up in my bed with my new blanket and a film.

Great Sunday!

last day

Dublin bus might have the most annoying timetable ever. It only says when the bus leaves terminus and then you have to figure out by yourself when it will be at your stop. There is some kind of journey planner but it refuses to show my stops. I think I'll just walk to work on Monday instead.

Because today is my last day at HP and on Monday I start my new job, yay! And it's walking distance, only 3.5 km. Happy. Also got the great news that my little brother and his friend might have a job in Dublin and are moving here next week, hope they get it!

As for the weekend, I have no plans whatsoever. Olle, Peter and Ruth are in London and Josef and David are in Amsterdam so Dublin feels empty. Luckily I still have Delba and Tea here but mostly feel like laying in my bed watching Breaking Bad all weekend. Is that allowed?

Well, we'll see.

Maybe I'll watch a movie instead.

weekend with mum


Woke up at 7 when I got a text from mum saying she'd read the time table wrong and might miss the flight. I think we're related in some way... She made it though and it was like Christmas when she got here. Got a mixer thing from my grandparents, a blanket, pillows, knitted socks, taco spices, cheese slicer and more from mum.

After unpacking (mostly my stuff) we had lunch at Acapulco.

Met up with Ola who was here for a conference and had a pint at Messrs Maguires. After that it was very unexciting football at Wool Shed (at least we won, barely) and dinner at the Market Bar. We ordered bread with dip a salad and fish skewers but half would have been enough. Really good food though! Later we met up with Ola and his colleagues again, this time at the Brazen Head, one of Dublin's oldest (the oldest?) pubs. When mum went home I walked to city centre to meet up with Ruth, Olle, Josef, Delba and co but they were so slow, I got tired of waiting and went home.

Woke up pretty early, had breakfast at Manning's, did some shopping at Penney's, bought paint and went home to paint my furniture. This was actually mums idea, I did not make her work when on vacation! After that we deserved some beer and the sun was shining so met up with Nicola, Joakim, Olle and Josef at Oktoberfest.

 German beer in the sun on a Saturday, can't go wrong there!

Went home again, had some wine and got ready and then Ruth came over. Decided to go to Temple Bar to find some Irish music and ended up in St. John Gogarty's. When mum went home Ruth and I walked to Sub Lounge where my old colleagues, stole Johan from them and took a cab to Czech Inn as we realized it was already two o'clock.

Sunday was IKEA Sunday, more of that to come. Awesome weekend!

monday feeling

Slow, slow Monday. Only been here for two hours but it feels like an eternity. At least I can comfort myself with this being the last week at HP, no more commuting to Leixlip! Will miss Ruth and Tea though, and I might have to put my Tetris skills aside for a while.

Will update about the weekend later, too Monday depressed at the moment to write.

merci for being you

I'm so happy, and now I got that Merci song stuck in my head, you know cheesy happy kid gives chocolate to her grandma and the song goes "I'm so happy, I'm so glad that I found you, I'd like to thank you and thank you means meeeerciiiiiii" *shivers*. But that's not what I was gonna say. I'm happy because it's like Friday to me today as I'm off tomorrow and mum's coming! Plus payday! 

I've pretty much been broke since I moved to Vancouver about a year ago and now I'm finally back on track, feels good. Even though money isn't everything and you definitely learn to appreciate other things more when you're broke and realize you don't need to be rich and blah, blah, blah, I still prefer Topshop. So after work today I'm going shopping! Or, my plan is to try stuff on today and put it away for tomorrow when I can actually buy them. And maybe I'll go to the hairdresser tomorrow, need my yearly fringe back.

Work today is sooo slow, had about 10 cases all day. So Tea, Ruth and I are passing our time looking at pics of cute dogs, haha. I've also played Bloons, looked for a new camera, read blogs, 9gag'd, facebooked and Stumbled around Internet about two times. Bored now.

I don't have any funny pics to show so I give you one of my future dog instead.

new job

Weekend, it rained, we went out, twice, didn't go to Cineworld, end of story.

Have less than two days left at work this week 'cause on Friday mum is coming for a weekend visit so took the day off, yay. Haven't made any plans yet except for football on Friday night and Irish music on Saturday. Must visit Oktoberfest as well, last weekend!

And then I only have one week left at HP, starting my new job at Pfizer next Monday! Oh I'm so happy, happy. Better pay, in the city and I get to work with sweet Monique again, that I worked with at PK. Have a good feeling about this :)