Here's what I've been up to the last couple of days.
Had some eggs I needed to get rid of before I left so invited Josef and Ruth over for pancake dinner. Think I ate about six pancakes, have no idea how that happened?
Had to get up at 4am on Thursday to catch my flight to Sweden. Grandma and grandpa picked me up at the train station in Uppsala and bought me lunch at the local.
Was pretty tired after a long day of travelling, had no Swedish phone or numbers and it was raining outside so spent the rest of the day on the couch, watching bad reruns.
Ran some errands (ok, bought alcohol) today then met up with brother to help the grandparents put out their outdoor furniture for some dinner. It was sunny and warm so had a drink outside.
You always gets crisps before dinner at the grandparents. Served in a wooden bowl that makes the crisps taste a bit funny, but it's supposed to be like that or else it's not right.
Grandma's idea of a 'simple dinner' includes pre-drink, starter, main course, dessert and coffee with cookies.
Literally rolled home after all that food.
How I've missed riding a bike!
Came home, fed the cat, prepared a pie for tomorrow and now I'm hanging out on the couch, watching Billy Elliot, one of my favourites!
Tomorrow, lunch with my old crew from high school, half of them who I haven't seen since so really looking forward to it! We are just as pretty now as when we were 18...