Had an awesome last weekend with Ruthilicious. Started with random photo-session-night-out on
After a couple of dance moves in a crowded Café En Seine we decided to head elsewhere for new adventures which included taking pictures with random people we met on the way. Animals were popular but as you can see, they had no idea how to look like an elephant or owling.
Started walking towards Krystal when a guy in a bike taxi asked if we were going to Coppers, in that case we could go with him. We lied and got a lift up the street before we abandoned him, hehe. The last thing I heard was the taxi driver asking the guy for 50 euros for the short trip as it was so heavy with three people.
On Saturday I met up with Ruth at Mannings for some brunch and gossip.
Walked around the Saturday Market on Meath Street for a while, bought food and candy and had a picnic in my bed with Jude Law, Jake Gyllenhaal and Johnny Depp. Unfortunately only on the computer, but you can always dream.
On Sunday I took a walk to the city trying to find a winter jacket as it was freezing. Didn't find one and half died when I walked to work on Monday and it was minus 2 degrees. Found one yesterday instead and of course it was 11 degrees this morning. It's like when you bring an umbrella it never rains and when you don't it pours.
Tomorrow Jorre is coming to town! Haven't seen her since Canada, it's gonna be so much fun! Please be Thursday night now.