five years

I can't really understand it was five years ago I moved away from Sweden, and I can't really understand I'm about to move back. But I am, with mixed feelings of course. 

Gustav and Vidar on one of our first visits to Temple Bar.

One of the best weekends in Dublin (or maybe ever), on the road with Linnea, Chrille, Ida, Johan, Johanna, Wille and Lasse.

My leaving party 2 years and 9 months later.

Spent 2,5 months in New York with Emily, Freddie and Nina.

Celebrating 4th of July at the Gaslight with Emma.

Ice skating in Vancouver with Lex, Dennis, Ant, Josef and Jaan.

Halloween party in an underground car park.

After 6 months in Van I moved to Malta and met this lovely lady. And Josef was there too, of course.

Met loads of other awesome people, like Lucas, Nicklas and Chrille.

First night back in Dublin after another 6 months on the Rock.
One of many Dublin parties.

Wow, the five years felt so short now, especially since I moved from here the first time. I've learned so much, met so many great people, got friends for life and have had so much fun. I'm a bit scared to move back, scared to be bored and miss everything, miss having friends from different cultures and miss the freedom of living abroad when coming home to stuck-up Sweden. But I'm sure it's gonna be great. There are  great people in Sweden too, I have many of my best friends there, my family and my PiC Ruth. Haha, feels like I'm leaving tomorrow, but I still got another month and Ruth and I will make the most of our bucket (budget) list, including singing karaoke at WoolShed and eating fancy dinner at Marco Pierre.

It will be awesome. All of it.

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