friday night

Me Friday night.

(Warning for completely uniteresting information about how I waited for Josef and Ruth at the cinema on Friday.) Went to the cinema straight after work to see the Avengers Assemble and had decided with Ruth and Josef to meet at the Ben&Jerry's at 18.30 as I didn't have my phone with me and we were gonna see Dark Shadows. The Avengers finished at 18.20 so stood there watching the queue downstairs but never saw them come in. Went downstairs to see if the movie was sold out but still thought Josef would have bought a ticket as he has the unlimited card and come up and get me. Went back up again and thought I should have gone to Woolshed as we were talking earlier about drinking beer instead of going to the cinema but didn't have the energy to go downstairs again. After 30 minutes I was really pissed off and decided to go see the movie by myself and went to the salon. Kept a lookout for my friends anyway and after a while I saw Josef standing at the door looking for me. Apparently they had completely forgot I didn't have my phone and had gone to Woolshed for beers instead and was pretty pissed off I didn't reply to their text until they realized I had no phone. I'm never leaving home without my phone again, it stresses me out! But of course, if I'd had it with me I'm sure there would have been no need for it.

So. I stayed at Woolshed with Ruth and Josef, Jacob came by and later we went to a random bar on Parnell Street I didn't even know existed. There was a leaving party or similar for someone at IBM so met some old colleagues, fun!

As usual I don't have my camera with me so you can check out the rest of the weekend here until I have the energy to put up my own pictures. There are also some pictures from my apartment taken by the pro photographer Ruthless herself last week when I invited her over for dinner.

Today I'm starting my new life (haha...) and are going back to the gym after three unhealthy weeks. We'll see if I survive.

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