friday night

Got invited to taco dinner at Josef and Olle's place today, second this week, can't complain! As we're celebrating Olle tomorrow we took it easy tonight and went to the cinema after way too much food. Saw Chronicle, which I've been waiting for since I saw the trailer for the first time. Think I had a bit too high expectations but it was good and it actually gets better the more I think about it. 

Right now I'm looking for nice pictures from old magazines, need something on my walls! When I lived here before I had a whole wall full with black and white pictures of guys, hehe. I miss it, wish I hadn't thrown away all the pics when I moved. It was a pain getting all the blue tack off the walls when I took them down though so might have to come up with another plan...

I might not have the best view in Dublin but one part I like about it is the neon sign outside my window, it makes me feel like I live in downtown New York. Ah, wishful thinking.

As I said we're celebrating Olle tomorrow as he turned like... old last weekend. Starting with LaserDome in the day and ending with Lost Society at night, will be fun, fun, fun!  

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