
Remember my house mouse? Well, the house mouse is no more. I actually thought it had abandoned me since I hadn't seen it for so long but yesterday it showed up again. I rigged my trap with some Swedish candy (the only thing I had I'd imagine be fit for a mouse) and waited. After a couple of minutes I heard the trap snap and saw my mouse laying on the floor next to it, I think it had hurt it's leg 'cause it didn't try to run away when I picked it up. Called mum in panic and asked her what to do, I couldn't just throw it outside! I wanted to keep it and have it as a pet but decided maybe it wasn't such a great idea and brought it outside. Swear it looked me in the eyes and begged me not to go when I left it outside in the cold to die.

R.I.P. mouse. 

Apparently deadmau5 had a friend which has been running around all night looking for it, or maybe it got a sugar rush from the candy that was left, it kept me awake at least. So now I'm prepared with more traps and peanut butter. Even though it was terrible killing the mouse, I need my beauty sleep.

Tonight was Tea's last night in Dublin so I went over to hers and Ruth's place for taco dinner and to say goodbye. Not too bad coming straight from work to dinner on the table, more of that please! I'm sad Tea's leaving but at least now we have a good reason to go to London, good luck Tea! And also, congrats Ruth who finally got a job and won't leave me alone here in Dublin. Yay!

Malta update will be here tomorrow. 

Unless I'll be as crazy busy at work tomorrow as I was today.


  1. SNYGG BLOGG MOA! Du är nu bloggförebild! Pusselipuss

  2. *min bloggförebild :)
