friday feeling

Dreamt weird stuff about mice and cockroaches in my apartment. Woke up and thought I saw something crawling on the wall above my head, threw myself out of the bed and turned on the lights. Of course, there was nothing there. Looked at the watch, saw it was 4.50, and got happy when I realised it's Saturday and I can sleep all day if I want! That feeling didn't stay for long though as I remembered it's actually Friday and my alarm would go off in 10 minutes.

But, at least it's my favourite day of the week. Plus, I got more salary from Malta then I expected and can pay my rent + afford an after work pint or two today, we get Friday cookies at work, the sun is shining and I've got a clean apartment.

Had a Thursday cleaning session yesterday, started by sorting my nail polish by colour, the important stuff first!

Then I refurbished the whole apartment for about the 10th time but had to put everything back again, I think there's a reason it's furbished the way it is... But I've made a few changes since I moved in and next week I'm gonna start painting, yay!

Wasn't gonna put pictures up before I've made it nice, but you'll get some anyway:

Weekend countdown: T minus 71 minutes.

1 comment:

  1. måste få träffa dig snart. du är bara för bra. vet vad som är viktigt och så;)
