weekend and work

Had an awesome Friday night with Mike and Ruth. We made tacos, played Kasino and drank red wine, just 'lagom' after a long work week. Think we needed some wine after the news, that we all are fired. Great to hear when you haven't even finished your training and just signed a 12 month contract on your apartment. Ok, it isn't as bad as it sounds, it's just that HP are not gonna keep the Dispatch or CCR in Dublin but move us to the countries. Not gonna happen for another six months or so though so I don't worry, will just look for another job.

On Saturday I had brunch with Ruth at Mannings Bakery & Cafe right across the street (their wifi I'm using in my apartment btw, thank you very much), it's gonna be our second home. After that we went to Liberty Market to check out the latest Irish fashion but unfortunately we couldn't afford matching fake Adidas track suits, what a shame. Maybe after payday.

More about the weekend to come when I have pictures.

Did my live tests at work yesterday and got 100% on all of them so can start working (I'm so motivated...) as soon as I get a computer. Hopefully I'll have one by the end of today, it's getting a bit boring watching Jonas facebook.

Oh, and my apartment doesn't smell of hamburgers anymore. Happy.

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