weekend and weekend again

Finally got to see Lorraine on Friday! Hadn't seen her since I moved away from Ireland and that was way too long ago. But now she's back and it was just like old times. Ruth came over after work to help me clean but we ended up drinking wine instead (who wouldn't chose wine before cleaning?) and then Lorraine came and we drank some more. Later Shane dropped by too and we were supposed to go out but that never happened. Instead I fell asleep in my armchair when L&S were buying food (not dinner, this was like 3 in the morning!) and was woken up by my neighbor. Ehh, a bit weird but he said he'd met L&S and my door was open so he had to check on me, haha. Will have to remember to always lock my door not to end up with a heart attack in the future.

Took zero pictures on Friday but here's an old one (like Christmas party 2009?) of me and Lorraine.

Ah, so young and innocent...

On Saturday we made a tradition of the Counter (three times in a row is a tradition!) and I think I've perfected my 'build-your-own-burger'-burger now. Might try it in a bowl next time tho as I never eat the bread anyway. Who wanna get full on bread when there are so many other yummy things? Garlic bread not included.

After that I saw Puss in boots at the cinema. I love animated films but this one was pretty bad, plus I had annoying kids all around me. Went home and watched Midnight in Paris and Blue Valentine instead, much better!


On Sunday I went for a power walk with miss Ruthless and later in the evening we met up with Pedro and Samuel for Drag show bingo! Always wanted to go to that, it's on every Sunday, but just never got around to it. It was really fun and much more show than I thought I'd be, will probably go there this weekend as well.

But that's a few days away. Tonight the people that are left at HP (where I worked before) is having a leaving party at Dicey's where it's 2-euro Tuesday, dangerous! With that in mind I've taken tomorrow off as I'm way too responsible (old) to be hungover at work. Feels like Friday, and you know I like that!

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