really sunny september

From sleeping with two duvets to sleeping with the window open (I didn't actually sleep with the window open because my street is so noisy but I could have, that's the point), summer's back! At least for a day or two, the rain will be back just in time for the weekend of course. 

It's been like this (20 degrees and sun) pretty much the whole week and as it doesn't happen often in Ireland I went for a long Phoenix Park walk on Tuesday. Put the laundry in the washing machine before I left but forgot I to save a pair of socks so had to do without in my trainers. Not. A. Good. Idea. Halfway through the park my feet were bleeding (literally) and I was seriously considering walking barefoot home. That would probably have hurt my feet more though, so just endured the pain. 

So no walk for me yesterday, although there was not a single cloud in the sky and I longed for the park. Joined Josef on a shopping spree instead (he shopped, I gave advice) and then we went for a burrito at a place we found on Saturday, Josef is already a regular. Huge burrito for only 5 euros, awesome.

Today I think Tea and I are having a movie night, might try a walk as well but my feet are still blistered. Bo ho.

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