sunny september

So, Ruth got better and we could celebrate her birthday. Bought balloons, cake, candles and gathered a bunch of people at my place for drinks before heading to Krystal.


It was a lot of fun until the jeagerbombs got to me. What happened, I wasn't even having any...? Anyways, we're all old now and left pretty early for some Indian food, hehe.

Saturday was sunny and warm so took a walk to St. Stephen's Green, Iveagh Gardens and South Canal with Olle and Josef.

When we got sick of the sun we went to Cineworld for a Ryan Gosling night *drool*. Saw Drive (one of the best films I've seen in  a while, see it!) and Crazy Stupid Love, also really good.

Nice to wake up well rested on another Sunday, cleaned my whole apartment and then headed for Cineworld, again. But it was raining so we had a good reason not to go on Adventure Sunday. They are showing Jurassic Park here for 2 weeks and obviously we had to see it. The first screening was sold out though so saw Friends with benefits first, actually not as bad as I thought it'd be.

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