to arthur!

This happened to me this morning, incredibly scary! (Sounds much more serious on English Wiki than on the Swedish version.) Was half awake and thought someone was in the room but couldn't move. When I thought I saw a goose walking across the floor I knew I was dreaming, haha. 

Yesterday was Arthur's Day. A day they created two years ago to celebrate that it was 250 years ago Arthur Guinness signed the lease for the brewery, or something like that. Now it just exists so they can make more money, but hey, any reason to have a Guinness during the week is fine with me. Met up with Josef after work and went to Slattery's where we cheered to Arthur at exactly 17.59. Later on David, Glenn and Olle showed up and after a few more Guinness we went to Sin É where I had one pint, then got tired and went home around 10. Can't party like back in the days anymore, I'm getting old.

Tonight we're hopefully gonna celebrate Ruth if she's not sick (get better, Ruthski!) and tomorrow we might check out the Oktoberfest. A bit disappointed I threw away my German beer maid costume I had for Halloween last year, if I still had it I'd use it tomorrow. Maybe.


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