project detox

Josefine, Johan and Matte left after a five day visit and I'm alone again. Thanks for a great weekend, come back soon! But now I'm gonna detox until next visit in December when Lasse, Lucas, Chrille and Frida are coming. Pictures from the weekend will be up some other day as usual.

When they'd left yesterday I went to the cinema with Olle and Nicola and saw Tower Heist with Ben Stiller and Eddie Murphy, an ok comedy. A few laughs, easy watching, definitely worth it with Unlimited card :)Today I'm going to the gym for the first time since Malta. I'm scared. I just wanna go home, eat chocolate and hide under my duvet which I'd probably do if I didn't have a meeting with a PT for induction at 5.30. Ruth has promised to call around 8 to see if I'm still alive.

I just found a book that I've been looking for since I read it when I was 10-11! There are two more books in the same series and I've always wanted to know how it ended but forgot what it was called and could never find it. Came to think about it when I listened to a radio programme and googled it in English this time and found it straight away. The feeling of finding it! Feels like a relief, haha. It's probably written for kids but I really have to read the ending now, project during my detox maybe? It's called The Giver anyway.

45 minutes left at work, 2,5 hours until gym session. Wish me luck!

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