wine wednesday and thursday thieves

Whoops, ended up having another wine Wednesday yesterday, told ya it's back! Helped Oskar move in, ate some yummy hummus sandwiches and headed to Temple Bar to meet up with Pedro and Samuel. Went to Taste of Emilia for a glass of wine and then to Front/backlounge for a pint. Didn't bring my camera so now I've spent the last hour looking for a pic we took in front of back lounge years ago but it has apparently disappeared somewhere in the facebook jungle. Arghhh. I really want that pic now, just because I can't find it! 

Anywho, when I came home last night Oskar's friend Erik came over and I had some wine with them before they headed out. I had given them permission to stay until midnight but think I didn't go to bed until half one. Erik thought it was only 2 years between Oskar and I = me being like 21, wohoo! Oh, I wish...

Woke up 6.40 this morning, the time I should go to work to be here in time. 'Missed' the armed robbery of the Cornmarket ATM with just a couple of minutes, heard the security guards talking to the Garda on the phone "Suspect is moving west on Thomas Street" and then a couple of police cars passed in high speed. I'd like to think I'd done something cool and saved all the money and they would give half of it to me and I'd be rich and live happily ever after if I'd been in time for work and seen the whole thing but I would probably just lie down on the ground and cry of fear.

Drama Thursday! Enough to make the rest of the day extremely boring and slow and my hair is really dirty and my pants are cutting of the blood stream to my feet and my throat is really soar so I can't go to the gym. But. The sun is shining, I'm off in 12 minutes, it's payday and tonight is taco and movie night with bro. Not too bad after all.

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